In the process of planning the forthcoming meal that you have planned, are you looking for an easy and appetizing approach to inject some excitement into the dish? As the primary component, mussels are used in the preparation of Honghap Tang, a traditional Korean soup. The fresh mussels, green onions, garlic, and salt that are employed in the preparation of this dish are the components that are utilized. One of the most well-liked options in Korea is this meal, particularly when it is served as a side dish to the traditional Korean alcoholic beverage known as soju. If you follow the instructions that are provided in the following paragraphs, you will be able to make your very own mouthwatering Korean mussel soup.

How do you describe the dish known as Korean Mussels?

In Korean cuisine, shellfish, and more specifically mussels, are utilized rather frequently. This is especially true in the preparation of dishes such as mussel soup and mussel stew, which are characterized by their extraordinary adaptability. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to locate them and that they are not overly expensive, the procedure of cleaning them requires some effort on the part of the individual. During the time period that coincides with the end of October and the beginning of spring, you will have the opportunity to indulge in the most delectable mussels in Korean soup. This will be the case during the time period. At this point in time, you will have the opportunity to carry out the aforementioned action.

Honghap-Tang, also known asĀ  is a soup that is characterized by its lightness and refreshingness. It is produced by utilizing Korean mussels throughout the preparation process. The delectable and rich milky broth that it is capable of creating is the part of it that has garnered the most attention since its introduction. In order to prepare the mussel soup, the fresh mussels, together with green onions, garlic pieces, and salt, are brought to a boil in water. Slices of garlic are included among the other components. The Japanese alcoholic beverage known as soju, which is popular in Korea, is accompanied with this meal, which is considered to be one of the most popular accompaniments to the beverage.


The following are some of my most preferred suggestions for preparing the perfect Korean mussel soup.

To make the broth and soup, you will need to purchase mussels that are still in their shells. In this recipe, frozen mussels, particularly ones that do not have shells, will not achieve the same level of success. The following is a list of the mussels that I purchased: a seafood establishment’s fresh blue mussels fresh from the ocean.

The distinct flavor of Korean mussel soup is one of the most eye-catching characteristics of this dish. In order to accomplish this, mussels should be washed thoroughly, including the removal of their beards, in order to maintain their flavor characteristics. In the post that comes after this one, other cleaning methods will be discussed.

Rather than using minced garlic, you should use sliced garlic. To preserve all of your fragrant vegetables, you could also use a filter bag that is disposable. This would make it simple to dispose of the bag once all of the flavor has been removed from the vegetables. As a result, the soup will be more transparent and simpler to swallow as a result of this.
Add some chopped chilies to the soup at the very end if you want to give it a little more kick. Nevertheless, Thai chilies should not be used because the flavor profile of these chilies does not complement this soup very well. Utilize the Korean Cheongyang chili pepper to achieve the most favorable outcomes. To put things into perspective, I like this soup without chili so that I can take pleasure in its moderate and invigorating flavor. Even a trace amount of chili pepper can have a significant influence on the flavor of a dish.


It was noted previously that cleaning the mussels is the most crucial step in the process of preparing a soup that tastes clean and wonderful. Be sure to read on for my recommendations.

If you want to protect your hands from breaking shells, you should wear rubber gloves. After placing the mussels in a big dish, give them a quick rinse with cold water. First, all shells that are cracked or broken should be thrown away, and then the mussels should be carefully rinsed.

When you want to remove any dirt or seaweed from the mussel shells, you can use another mussel shell to scrape them in running water. During the process of scrubbing, it is important to avoid breaking the shells by applying excessive pressure. If there are any byssus threads, also known as beards, you should firmly hold them and pull them towards the shell hinge until they come out.

Once all of the mussels have been washed, transfer them to a fresh bowl and give them one more rinse under cold running water.


In the event that you have any fresh mussels that have already been cleaned by following the processes outlined above, but you do not require them for this soup, I recommend that you steam them and then freeze them in a bag that has been properly vacuum packed. Use them within two to three months for the optimum results.

After that, I occasionally incorporate these into my instant ramen noodles in order to enhance the flavor, and it seems to work out perfectly. Additionally, you are free to include any other foods that you choose.


  • 1 kg / 35 ounces shelled mussels, cleaned
  • 1 green onion, white part
  • 1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
  • 7 cups water
  • 1/2 Tbsp white vinegar
  • 1 tsp fine salt
  • (Optional) chilies, green or red, thinly sliced and seeds removed, for garnish

* 1 Tbsp = 15 ml, 1 Cup = 250 ml


The mussels, green onions, garlic cloves, and water should be placed in a big pot and brought to a boil. Mussels should be cooked over medium-high heat until they are completely cooked through. When the mussels are finished, they will open their shells. It will take ten to fifteen minutes. Those mussels that did not open should be thrown away. Remove any scum that rises to the surface.

As soon as the green onion and garlic have been removed from the soup, the white vinegar and salt should be added.

The third step is to garnish the soup with chili peppers, which is optional, and to serve it alongside steamed rice and other Korean side dishes. When combined with soju, this can also be served as a snack for drinking.


For the purpose of removing any dirt or debris, the mussels should be scrubbed and then rinsed under cold water. To remove the beards, which are the fibrous threads, from the mussels, pull them off.

Place the water or seafood broth in a large pot and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Remove from the heat.

The chopped onion, minced garlic, sliced ginger, and green chili pepper (if used) should be added to the broth once it has reached a boil. In order to allow the flavors to permeate the soup, you should let it simmer for around five minutes.

Put the mussels that have been cleaned into the pot and allow them to cook for approximately five to seven minutes, or until they open up. Any mussels that do not open should be thrown away.

When the mussels have finished cooking, they should be added to the pot along with the sliced zucchini, carrot, and chopped green onions. Cook for a another three to five minutes, or until the vegetables are soft but still have some crunch to them.

Soy sauce, salt, and pepper should be added to the soup with the intention of achieving the desired flavor profile.

To enhance the flavor, take the pot off the heat and sprinkle it with a small amount of sesame oil.

If you so wish, you can serve the Korean mussel soup while it is still hot, garnishing it with more chopped green onions and Korean red pepper flakes.

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